Academy Milestone: Graduation
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have successfully completed all industry skills, qualifications, and personal development courses as part of a Belfast City Council Employment Academy, moving closer to gaining successful employment in their chosen sector.
Dedication Commitment Time management Communication Teamwork Professionalism Confidence Decision making Job search Interview skills Self reflection Constructive feedback Education Employability Personal Development Course DemonstrateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated dedication and commitment to learning by progressing through the academy pathway. They have successfully passed all required industry learning, courses, and personal development required by employers to become more employable in their chosen sector.
Earner has demonstrated effective time management by participating in a range of workshops and activities to further their learning. They have shown a range of transferable skills such as communication, teamwork, and workplace professionalism.
Earner has successfully built their confidence and become empowered in their independent decision making and job searching ability. They have become proficient in using the Navigatr platform through sharing their earned digital badges and updating their profile with achievements throughout the academy.
Earner has applied their industry-specific knowledge and skills through taking part in an interview with a hiring employer. They have shown the ability to self-reflect and receive constructive feedback to set themselves up for a career in their chosen sector.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
9 Adelaide Street, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT2 8DJ
Earn this badge
Find out how to earn this badge.
Participate in these activities to earn this badge:
Belfast City Council Childcare Employment Academy Graduation
01 June 2024
Belfast City Council Classroom Assistant June 2024
01 June 2024
Belfast City Council Health & Social Care Graduation
01 January 2025
This badge is part of these pathways:
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