Academy Skills: Teamwork
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have worked effectively as a team member in working towards the completion of the enterprise's aims and objectives. They attended sessions regularly, offered their own ideas/suggestions, provided support and worked towards achieving results & completing agreed milestones.
Teamwork Collaboration Assertiveness Engagement skills Negotiation Research Active learning Charity & social enterprise Workshop ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has worked effectively as a team member in working towards the completion of the identified enterprise aims and objectives in preparation for moving forward. They have attended sessions regularly, listened to others, offered their own ideas and suggestions, provided support and worked towards achieving results and completing agreed milestones.
Earner has demonstrated independent and active learning through running their own enterprise as part of a group, by participating in various sessions to develop and refine their idea and progressing onto actual sales events such as trade fair and Dragons Den pitching. They took on an individual role within the team and fulfilled their responsibilities to contribute to the overall success of the enterprise.
Earner has had an active role within the group, where all team members had assigned roles. These roles have identified responsibilities and played to each team members strengths.
Earner has researched potential challenges their business may face and discussed with their team how these will be addressed should they occur.
Earner has developed their knowledge of what makes a good leader and the attributes required to run a successful business; these are essential skills than can be applied to their business development moving forward.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
Workforce Training Services Ltd, 88-120 Springfield Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT12 7AJ
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