
Talent Accelerator - Work Experience

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have successfully attended Work Experience at The De La Warr Pavilion. Earner has demonstrated excellent time management, good communication and great organisational skills.

Demonstrate Work Experience Creative Volunteer Responsibility Community Gallery Work Transferable Skills Analysis Career Development Teamwork Organizational Skills Office Administration


Earner has demonstrated flexibility by adapting to the varying routines during their work experience. Earner worked on a variety of tasks such as helping with paperwork, preparing for presentations, shredding paper, clearing out old computer files, and helping with gallery jobs, depending on what projects were happening at the time. Earner may have also volunteered at school job fairs.
Earner has demonstrated versatile working abilities. Earner has predominately worked on solo projects and has shown that they can work independently. However, they have also adapted to working in a team and when doing so, has been a strong team player.
Earner has learnt a variety of skills relevant to office admin, gallery work and community work. Learning these skillsets has equipped them to further their career development and have gained transferable skills for an array of different fields.
This badge is open to all.
De La Warr Pavilion, Marina, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, United Kingdom TN40 1DP


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