
Bradford Council Supported Internship - Completion of Programme

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have successfully completed a Supported Internship programme with a Bradford Council provider.

Life skills development Time management Communications Punctuality Professional conduct Work experience Teamwork Training Employability Internship Internship/placement Demonstrate


This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.

Earner has accessed a work placement and gained skills to progress towards independent paid employment.
Earner has demonstrated regular attendance to a satisfactory level at work placements.
Earner has demonstrated the understanding of suitable workplace expectations and behaviours such as wearing suitable clothing, punctuality, and communication.
Earner has demonstrated regular attendance to a satisfactory level at educational sessions.
Earner has made progress to develop their employability, preparing for adulthood and life skills.
Earner has demonstrated knowledge of how to gain employment and can access this independently or with support.
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.
Britannia House, Broadway, Bradford, United Kingdom, BD1 1EE


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