
Belfast City Council Level 5 Health & Social Care Upskilling Academy – Health & Safety

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have the knowledge and understanding that a manager requires to maintain health, safety and welfare in an adult health and social care setting.

Summarising Health & safety Risk management Recording & reporting Risk benefit Hygiene practices Research Manual handling Food handling Education Course Participate


Earner has demonstrated research, summarising, health & safety, and manual handling skills when devising and completing a report. Earner has researched the statutory and regulatory requirements, in relation to health & safety, manual handling management, and summarised the associated risks in a HSC setting e.g. using mobilising aids/ensuring fire doors are closed. Earner also explained security procedures to follow when arriving/leaving the setting, and how to safely store and administer medication.
Earner has demonstrated their risk management, risk benefit and recording & reporting skills when completing a risk analysis for an outing. Earner has explained and assessed the likelihood of harm and detailed mitigations to limit this. The benefits of taking the risk when managing a service were also outlined and compared. Earner has summarised their findings and concluded by explaining their rationale as to why the trip was still going ahead.
Earner has demonstrated their hygiene practices and food handling skills when creating a poster to promote appropriate infection control procedures to a team in a health & social care environment. Earner has highlighted best practice in relation to, use of PPE, food handling techniques and information relating to allergy awareness. Appropriate waste disposal was also promoted via the posters e.g. specific disposal requirements for soiled items/bodily fluids.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
89 Malone Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 6SP


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