
Belfast City Council Level 5 Childcare Upskilling Academy – Positive Outcomes

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have the knowledge, understanding and skills required to lead provision that promotes the care, learning and development of children in the early years practice that supports positive outcomes for children’s development.

Analytical Report writing Literacy Group work Presentation Planning Assessing Communication It Summarising Childcare Education Positive outcomes Course Participate


Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.

Earner has used their analytical, report writing, literacy and group work skills to produce a report that outlines early years curriculum models and how they support children's learning and development. Earner also analysed how these models have impacted on the provision for communication, speech, language and literacy development.
Earner has demonstrated their presentation, planning, assessment and communication skills to develop a practical guide, for staff to use as a reference document, on how to encourage children and carers participation in the development of assessments. They included information on agencies involved in the process and how to plan for universal, targeted and specialised assessments. Earner then delivered their findings, in the form of a presentation, to their peers and assessor.
Earner has demonstrated their childcare, IT and summarising skills to produce a digital poster to illustrate physical, cognitive and social and emotional development within early childhood and factors that impact a child's development, from preconception to 12 years of age. The poster highlighted educational strategies that can help to mitigate against factors that could have a negative impact on development. This educational resource was shared with the staff team.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
89 , Malone Road, Belfast, United Kingdom, BT9 6SP


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