
Bradford Council Supported Internship Skills - Initiative and Self-Direction

Available from multiple providers

Earners of this badge have participated in the Bradford Council Supported Internship programme. They have been assessed by their learning provider as having demonstrated the Bradford Essential Skill for Initiative and Self-Direction as part of their internship placement.

Initiative Self direction Responsibility Adaptability Time management Reflection Apply knowledge Manage workload Training Employability Internship Internship/placement Demonstrate


This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.

Earner has taken responsibility for their outcomes in their internship work placement and demonstrated the ability to meet these or adapt these to make them achievable.
Earner has demonstrated that they can utilise their time and manage workload efficiently, identifying and requesting support where needed to complete tasks.
Earner has demonstrated the ability to apply the knowledge gained in the learning environment and work place to expand their own learning.
Earner has reflected critically on past experiences in order to inform future progress and recognises that learning is a lifelong process.
This badge is only available to Students, Members or Employees.
Britannia House, Broadway, Bradford, United Kingdom, BD1 1 EE


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