Childcare Level 3: Safeguarding
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have demonstrated the knowledge and understanding required to support the safeguarding of children in all areas of the service including e-safety. Earners have developed their awareness of the types of abuse, and the signs and symptoms of abuse. Earners have demonstrated that they know how to record, report and respond to a safeguarding concern in a childcare setting.
Course Participate Presentation Communication Teamwork Partnership working Risk assessing Recording and reporting Confidentiality Education Safeguarding Listening SkillsCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has evidenced their partnership working and safeguarding skills when completing a written report to demonstrate their understanding of safeguarding legislation and the importance of working in partnership with stakeholders and agencies. Earner has detailed the agencies/stakeholders they work with to ensure all children remain safe at all times. They also described the roles/responsibilities of organisations that may be involved when a child has reported abuse.
Earner has demonstrated their presentation, teamwork, communication and listening skills when describing the possible signs, symptoms, indicators and behaviours that may cause concern, in the context of safeguarding children. Earner has delivered a presentation to their peers detailing the policies and procedures they would follow and the actions they would take when identifying and reporting abuse.
Earner has demonstrated their risk assessing, recording and reporting, and confidentiality skills when evidencing their understanding of how to support the safety and wellbeing of children. Earner has completed a case study and risk assessment detailing the actions they would take to ensure that all policies and procedures were followed and the person was supported during a safeguarding incident; they have also explained the importance of confidentiality.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
89, Malone Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 6SP
Earn this badge
Participate in these activities to earn this badge:
Childcare Learning & Development Level 3 - Safeguarding
01 October 2023
Classroom Assistant Level 3 - Safeguarding
01 October 2023
This badge is part of these pathways:
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