Childcare Level 3 Upskilling Academy (2022-2024)

Only available to registered Participants .

Belfast City Council Level 3 Childcare upskilling academy is designed to help build the knowledge and skills needed when working with children. This Upskilling Academy helps people who work at entry level positions, who are keen to get a better job but do not have the qualifications or experience to progress to a more superior role within their industry.

This upskilling academy covers a variety of topics including:

- The context, principles and values that underpins practice

- Communication and partnership working

- Safeguarding children

- Keeping children safe, healthy and well

- Supporting children’s personal care and nutrition

- Supporting children’s development

This qualification covers a diverse range of job roles and occupational areas in children’s settings, including early years and it serves as the required qualification for all new practitioners for registration and regulatory requirements in Northern Ireland.

All participants receive employability support and mentoring throughout the programme. Participants receive assistance to apply for and obtain a more senior role within the sector.

Post completion candidates may also have the opportunity to undertake further Level 5 study in the area.

Once learners have qualified at the Level 3 standard they are able to seek employment as a room supervisor, team leader, or deputise for the leader working under the supervision of the manager.

Report Writing Personal Care Planning Advocacy Upskilling Teamwork Literacy Child Safeguarding Administrative Functions Language Development Working With Children


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