Childcare Level 3: Partnership Working
Available from multiple providers
Earners of this badge have gained an understanding of communication and its importance. Earners have learnt how to meet a wide variety of communication needs and preferences, and overcome barriers to communication. Earners have applied the principles of confidentiality, information sharing and complaints handling. They understand of partnership working and how this supports multi-agency and integrated working practices.
Presentation Communication Partnership working Teamwork Confidentiality Literacy Record and reporting Advocacy Planning Analysing Education Partnership Course ParticipateCriteria
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information.
Earner has demonstrated their communication, partnership working and teamwork skills to produce a written piece that explains the importance of partnership working with practitioners, carers and other professionals in a child care setting. They worked in a group to explore how to overcome barriers to partnership working to deliver better outcomes for children. Professional group discussions were also observed by the assessor.
Earner has demonstrated their knowledge in confidentiality, literacy and recording and reporting when producing a report that explained how to establish and maintain working relationships by agreeing on common objectives, working within boundaries and understanding confidentiality and its limitations. Earner has used a case study to illustrate this in practice and to stimulate group discussion on professional working relationships with other agencies and carers; earner was observed throughout.
Earner has demonstrated their presentation, advocacy, planning and analytical skills by producing a plan for improving advocacy practice within a childcare setting. This included an analysis of the impact of legislation and policy on the promotion of diversity, equality and inclusion. This plan was then presented to the group; feedback was given and there were agreed actions for implementation within the setting.
Available by application only, please contact the provider for more information
89 Malone Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT9 6SP
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