Only available to registered participants .

The Belfast City Council Playwork Employment Academy pathway is delivered over a series of best practice workshops, which are tailored to ensure your individual learning needs are met. You will be allocated an industry expert mentor to support you with career development and to assist you in achieving your goal. On this course learners will develop their understanding of the required standards of behaviour and conduct in the playwork sector. Earners of this pathway have completed an introductory course to build the skills they need to commence a career working with children in a Playwork or Afterschool Club setting. The Academy course content is a 4-day workshop in which they have been instructed on the underpinning principles, values and requirements to work in the industry. Earners have learned about safeguarding, the development of children's playstyles, health and safety and preparing for a work-based interview.

Working With Children Child Development Health And Safety Standards


These are the badges you need to earn, in any order:

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  • Recreation / Activities Worker
  • Preschool / Childcare Teacher

    Work Hours

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    Work Environment


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  • school Education and Training

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